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Life is hard. Therapy can help.​



for  Everyday  Challenges


Specializing in: 
Anxiety, OCD, &
Relationship Challenges

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Life can be hard, especially when you're anxious, you feel like your relationships are a mess, and you just can't seem to "get it together." I get it. You just want to be free of the shackles of anxiety that are holding you back. Everyone has moments of anxiety, but for many people that anxiety takes over and prevents you from living the life you want.


I can help. I believe that we are not designed to handle life on our own. If you're here, you might be thinking that too. Maybe your support system is not available, or maybe you're struggling to reach out to them- you might feel ashamed, worry that they may blame you, or feel as if they just won't get it. Therapy can be a place to get support, to feel understood, to figure out the right path for you with someone there to guide and walk with you. Through scientifically supported therapeutic approaches, we will work together to free you from your anxiety. 


I understand that the idea of counseling can be intimidating. It is true that therapy can be an uncomfortable process of sharing your most vulnerable self with a stranger. That is why finding a therapist that you connect with and feel understood by is essential. I strive to offer a safe, non-judgmental space in which we can work through that discomfort, gain insight into the challenges you're facing, and learn skills to help you find relief from the pain that has been holding you back. And don't worry- you won't have to lie on a couch!


How can I help? 

My therapy sessions are designed to strengthen your confidence, help you develop the skills you need, and guide you through the healing process.

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.”

- Elisabeth Kubler Ross

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     Lyzaida Rivera-Bauer, Ph.D., PLLC         703-672-1453                

©2018 by Lyzaida Rivera-Bauer, Ph.D., PLLC

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